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Seattle Stinks: Sounders Kit

Seattle Stinks

Sets also came in a Timbers kit version.

From the producer’s mother:

Maxwell was 6 when he designed this patch. He’s not allowed to say that things suck, so he always says Seattle stinks. He has really enjoyed collecting patches and when he wanted to make his own, he said “one about how Seattle stinks like farts” and the idea grew from there. He was very clear from the beginning that he wanted to donate to soldiers, and we were able to donate the proceeds to a group collecting money/items for outgoing Christmas boxes to a unit in Africa

Patch ID: 12512
Dimensions: 2.75 in x 3.25 in
Run Size: 100

Artist: Unknown
Affiliation: None
Tags: , , , , ,

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Nickname: Seattle Fart

This patch has a parent: Seattle Stinks: Timbers Kit