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Timbers Army CPR Raffle Merit Badge

This patch is a Merit Badge. What does that mean?

This merit badge was given to those who bought raffle tickets as a fundraiser for CPR training:

This raffle raised a net of $3975.98, which is way beyond our wildest expectations. Not only did we raise enough money to pay for 6 new instructors to take the $221 American Heart Association Instructor class but also we raised enough money for our operational expenses for a least 2 years!

Raffle prizes were made of scarves and patches donated by the community.

Requirements: Take part in a specific fundraising raffle.

Tradable: Yes

Patch ID: 2410
Dimensions: in x in
Run Size: 300

Affiliation: None
Tags: , , ,

63 members with this patch in their collection.
0 members willing to trade this.
9 members in search of this patch.
0 members consider this their White Whale.
20 members with this patch on a vestment.
0 members with this patch on a second vestment.

Nickname: CPR Raffle MB