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Thorns 2017 Championship MB

This patch is a Merit Badge. What does that mean?

Requirements: Attend the 2017 Thorns Championship match in Orlando, Florida.

Tradable: No.

It’s hard to tell from the photo, but the black is actually velvet.

Why is this a polar bear? Matt Hasti has the background information:

Mark Parsons reached out to the tifo group and relayed this story prior to the home playoff game. All year, during the pregame rally speech, coach Nadine Angerer would tell the team they were (fill in animal), go out there and protect your pack. Half way through the season the team settled on ice bears (Angerer didn’t know the term polar bear). At the season finale she said “now go out there and plant your flag on the pitch and defend your castle.” The team wanted an actual flag so I quickly made them one. Adriana Franch proudly flew the flag during the stadium lap and across the northend after the playoff victory. This merit badge was created as a fitting tribute to the Ice Bear championship win.

Patch ID: 7283
Dimensions: in x in
Run Size: 250

Category: , ,
Affiliation: None
Tags: , , , , ,
Size: Unknown

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