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Tetris Tetrominos

A Tetris pieces is officially known as a Tetromino, with the plural being Tetrominos or Tetrominoes. These patches were specifically made to reference the TA game winning celebration of the Tetris chant. There were 100 patches produced of each of the 7 Tetrominos. Patches were sold in sets, with the pieces randomized, just as they are in the game. What dos that mean? If you purchased a set, you didn’t get one of each, you got a random assortment.

(Temporary photo – looking for the pieces not shown.)

Patch ID: 6726
Dimensions: in x in
Run Size: 100 x 7

Affiliation: None
Tags: , ,
Size: Unknown

57 members with this patch in their collection.
12 members willing to trade this.
38 members in search of this patch.
0 members consider this their White Whale.
6 members with this patch on a vestment.
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Nickname: Tetris Pieces