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Season Ticket Holder: 2013

Timbers Army Season Ticket Holder 2013

This patch is given to season ticket holders who sit in General Admission, AKA the Timbers Army section. If your season tickets have assigned seats. no patch for you. STH patches are designed by No Pity Originals, but ultimately produced by the Timber’s front office, who has final production approval, and have been known to make the occasional change.

Rumor has that the 2013 STH patch order was botched, accidentally adding an extra 0 to total. That might explain why at one point there was big tub of them with a “free” sign on it at the year end NPO sale.

Patch ID: 2898
Dimensions: 3 in x 3 in
Run Size:

Affiliation: None
Tags: , ,

99 members with this patch in their collection.
38 members willing to trade this.
2 members in search of this patch.
0 members consider this their White Whale.
10 members with this patch on a vestment.
1 members with this patch on a second vestment.

Nickname: 2013 STH