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Patchy Award Winner – 2

This patch is a Merit Badge. What does that mean?

This is the second run of the “Patchy” awards merit badge. The Patchy Awards started in 2017 as a way to recognize excellence in patch production. This patch was designed to be used for multiple years with the date to be sewn in. We ran out of them around 2022 and it took a while to get another run produced and backfill the recipients. That’s why you might see some people who won a Patchy before the second run was produced wearing this edition of the patch.

Requirements: Win a “Patchy” end of the year award.

Tradable: No.

Patch ID: 19056
Dimensions: in x in
Run Size: 100

Artist: , ,
Affiliation: None
Tags: ,

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This patch has a parent: Patchy Award Winner