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Jocko Homo

Q: Are We Not Army? – PTFC

Based on the album cover for Devo’s Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! The straw hat has been replaced by a metallic silver hard hat, à la Timber Joey. The patch name is derived from he song of the same name, whose lyrics are used in the album title. The song title comes from a 1920’s creationist pamphlet called Jocko-Homo Heavenbound by B. H. Shadduck. We’re all Devo.

The DEVO album cover, modified at the request of Warner Brothers, who didn’t want to be sued. Originally based on golf ball packaging featuring Chi-Chi Rodriguez. Check out the whole story.

Chi Chi version on the Be Stiff single. [Image Source: Devo Obesesso]

Cover of the 4th edition of Jocko-Homo Heavenbound by B. H. Shadduck, which rails against the theory of evolution.

And it all comes down to this!

Patch ID: 8824
Dimensions: 3.25 in x 3.25 in
Run Size: 200

Affiliation: None
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Nickname: Devo