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Simpsons-themed patch inspired by the Nelson 2-stick painted by Desert Corps member Samantha, unveiled in the Tucson preseason match against Seattle. Mulhouse and Ralph Wiggum were added make it self contained. Eventually the 2-stick would make it Portland for a regular season match vs. Seattle, where it was joined by a 2 stick Ralph Wiggum making fun of ECS tifo blunders. Proceeds from this patch were used to give away 300 patches, fund a merit badge, and gift three 107ist memberships.

Patch ID: 2088
Dimensions: 2.75 in x 4 in
Run Size: 800

Affiliation: None
Tags: , , , , , , ,

180 members with this patch in their collection.
38 members willing to trade this.
40 members in search of this patch.
0 members consider this their White Whale.
33 members with this patch on a vestment.
1 members with this patch on a second vestment.

Nickname: Nelson, Simpsons