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Ghana School Fundraiser

Portland based Ghana Community Pathways designed and offered a set of patches to help fund a sanitation and water project for a school in Ghana. The school centered in a community of poor rural villages, was started in some renovated storage rooms in 2017. The children and have no toilet facilities and use the surrounding fields. In addition, the closest water is some distance away. The project is to build 4 compostable toilets and bring city water to the school site. The 3″ round patch features Africa with a Timbers axe surrounded by a circle of Thorns over an open book representing education for Ghana. The colors are of the Ghana flag; yellow, Timbers green and Thorns red.

Sets of Ghana School Fundraiser patches came with a Ghana Merit Badge as well.

Patch ID: 8458
Dimensions: 3 in x 3 in
Run Size: 300

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Affiliation: None
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