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Care Bear Stare: Timbers

Released in a set with the Thorns version. Stickers were included as a bonus. Money raised from these sets were donated to Puerto Rico Hurricane relief.

As the Timbers Army stands together with synchronized intention and focus, I often find myself thinking about the Care Bear Stare. This patch was made to celebrate magical powers of the Timbers Army community and reality that it helps to shape.

Patch ID: 7690
Dimensions: 3 1/4 in x 3 3/8 in
Run Size: 200

Artist: ,
Affiliation: None
Tags: , , , , , , ,

66 members with this patch in their collection.
6 members willing to trade this.
42 members in search of this patch.
1 members consider this their White Whale.
10 members with this patch on a vestment.
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