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Bury Me In Green and Gold Coffin

Bury me in green and gold

Part of the PTFC Authentics capsule collection released in October of 2017. These were limited editions and only available in the team store at the stadium. These were the first patches sold by the Timbers Front Office in the MLS era. Previous patches in the MLS era were all giveaways.

Well look at that, it’s Zarek Valentine modeling the goods. Aside form the Authentics capsule collection, he’s also wearing a 1975 Trust, a 5/40 anniversary patch, and a rare axe and chevron that the archives is missing.

Patch ID: 7105
Dimensions: 4 7/8 in x 3 1/4 in
Run Size:

Artist: Unknown
Affiliation: None
Tags: , , ,
Size: Unknown

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