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Anti-Racist FC – Green, Gold and Brown

Anti-Racist FC – Portland

This was the bonus color way that came with sets of Anti-Racsist FC.

From the producer:

The murders/lynchings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, James Scurlock, and more have given a resurgence to the cry for racial justice across the USA. It has never stopped being vital that we be actively anti-racist. It is insufficient to be non-racist. We must be about the work of dismantling systemic racism and internal racism. We don’t have Timbers or Thorns to cheer on right now but we can be supporters of an even greater team in our city; Anti-Racist FC.

Patch ID: 13774
Dimensions: 2.5 in x 2.5 in
Run Size: 500

Affiliation: None
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