Merit Badge Program

As a member of the Patch Patrol, you have a chance to earn merit badges for your support. Some are available all the time and some are just for special one-time events. The most widely available merit badges are for Away Match attendance. You can earn one of these badges by just showing up and rooting for the club!

Current Away Day MB’s

The most current list can be found in the archives.

Brand new Thorns Away MB’s!

We’re super excited to launch our Thorns Away Day MB’s! Here’s what we have available so far:

Also available are:

  • Patch Vestmentery (being spotted by another PP member wearing a patch vestment)
  • Order of the Embroiderer: Junior Archivist for producing and donating an “Archive Approved” patch.

How do I get my Merit Badge?

To receive, send proof of achievement* with a note and a Self-Adressed-Stamped-Envelope to:

Patch Patrol
3439 NE Sandy Blvd
PMB #666, 
Portland, OR 97232

At home matches for the Timbers there will usually be a representative of Patch Patrol with a limited amount of away day MBs on hand.

These patches are never for sale or trade. Please return if you don’t want to cherish them. These are free to you because of the generosity of patchers like you. Donations can be sent via paypal to

Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

*Proof of achievement: Photo of you in the stands, or ticket stub, or social media post, etc… Please do not message admins with your proof. Due to the high volume of requests, the burden is on the recipients to make it easiest on the person fulfilling these MB’s without cluttering their inboxes. If you don’t have access to a printer you can hand print print the URL of posted pics on social media or a cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or the equivalent.

Hey! You should log in!